Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bencolites Community

Sometime it's hard to believe that it's been 13 long years since we graduated from BIET Jhansi and our alumni is still not matured enough to qualify to be called a true alumni and no efforts from any of us to do something about it. It is evident that we were part of pioneer batches so unfortunately we didn't have luxury of well established alumni community but we had responsibility on our shoulders to establish one and we failed miserably to create this community. We criticize college teachers and administration all the time without contributing to improve the system and culture of the BIET and its alumni, at least we can visit college to deliver guest lectures while in India to share knowledge with current students and out dated teacher community which we have gained during last 13 years working in professional environment. I think it's time to introspect and ask ourselves do we have right to criticize college administration for this sorry state. I think we are also responsible for the current state of affair. I was shocked when I heard that some people from our batch/college feel ashamed to associate him with the Bencolites family. I think we all are responsible for this situation along with college administration for this inconvenient truth. It's never late so my dear friends lets leave blame game aside and let’s do something concrete to build our Bencolites community so that we all can feel proud of being part of it. Now questions come to our mind what we can do about it, well what do you need to build a community? People and now we have more than 2000 Bencolites all over the world but the only thing which is missing is initiative and I think some people tried in the past but they failed because of our ignorance they didn’t find it worth while to invest energy and time for this cause. At least we should come forward and start conversation in this direction and organize some reunions at the local level and one global meet some time in the month of November or December this year. Sorry for presenting negative views just to awaken you all and not to offend you.

Thanks for your time to read this blog.